Summer Classes and Mini Camps

Combo 1 Classes
A collection of ballet, lyrical, jazz, and tap classes for strengthening and preparation for pointe readiness.
Highly recommended for anyone from the following classes or anyone who may be interested in pointe classes this fall: Monday 6-8:15p, Tuesday 7-9p, Wednesday 6:30-9:30p, Thursday 6-9p. Alumni also welcome!
Click to find out more information and view class schedules.
Pay per Class
3 Weeks

Combo 2 Classes
A collection of ballet, jazz, and tap classes for anyone interested in improving their skill level.
Recommended for anyone from the following classes: Tuesday 5-6:30p, Wednesday 4:30-6:30p, Friday 4:15-5:45p.
Click to find out more information and view class schedules.
Pay per Class
3 Weeks

Princess Dancing Days Mini Camp
Ages 3-5 years. This is a 3-day camp to improve basic ballet techniques.
Dates: July 11, 12, 13 from 9:30am - 10:15am.
Click to find out more information.
3 Day Mini Camp

Jump Into Jazz Mini Camp
Ages 5-7 years. This 3-day camp is an introduction into the genre of jazz.
Dates: July 11, 12, 13 from 5:30pm-6:15pm.
Click to find out more information.
3 Day Mini Camp

Jumps & Turns Strength Conditioning Mini Camp
Ages 10+ This class is designed to help each dancer improve these vital techniques.
Dates: July 11, 12, 13 from 6:15pm - 7:15pm.
Click to find out more information.
3 Day Mini Camp

'Pre-Pointe Strength and Conditioning' Mini Camp
Recommended for experienced ballet dancers. This class will continue to build on pointe readiness.
Dates: July 11, 12, 13 from 7:15pm - 8:00pm.
Click to find out more information.
3 Day Mini Camp

Summer Dance "Catch Up" Classes
This option is for students who have missed a dance season of classes and want to rejoin their existing group. Contact us to schedule your class day and time. Limited time slots are available.
Click to find out more information.
Contact for Pricing